Kindly be informed that we are using third party service for delivery and sometimes it may go missing. If you experiencing the same issue, you may fill up form HERE and we will check with our courier partner on the latest status.

We are transparent that some of the items may have some minor defects, you may choose to either exchange (you may need to wait for the replacement up to 2 months) or ask for full refund by filing up form HERE

Currently, we have opened PRE ORDER and below are the links:

Picturesque Japan – https://donutscarves.com/product/picturesque-japan-pre-order-limited-edition/

Modern City of Singapore – https://donutscarves.com/product/modern-city-of-singapore-pre-order-limited-edition/

Modern City of Dubai – https://donutscarves.com/product/pre-order-modern-city-of-dubai-limited-edition-no-pre-order-fee/

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